My Online Presence.

I have honestly never wanted to think about this because of the fear that I cannot change it. 
Online presence is the information that is currently available online about you. This is due to your participation in social media sites or email. Personally, it freaks me out that there is most likely information about me online open to the general public that I have no idea about.
Given that I have multiple social media accounts and various email accounts, I would consider myself to have a pretty large online footprint. Yes, I do have a personal website due to it being a grade to make one for one of my classes; but, I do not think it is the main source of information that is used online. Recently, Facebook has been charged with selling the personal information of millions of their account holders. They sell this information to advertising companies or other private agencies that use your personal information for other purposes that you did not intend for it to be used. This is called Behavioral Marketing under the government's Contract of Adhesion. Also, emails and messages are sorted through as they are sent from one user to another. Through the process of sending the message, it is broken down into 7 "packets," and as you go deeper into the packets, the more personal the information gets. This information is read by computers and processed to deliberately chose advertisements to show you or really just monitor you. This is called Deep Packet Inspection. 
I have various social media accounts on networks such as Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat. Thankfully, I have always kept my accounts filtered of all poor behavior. I grew up with my mom always telling me to be careful what I put online because "someone is always watching." I have found this advise to be very true because there are always prospective employers, schools, or even just people you want to impress looking at your accounts. Being involved in Student Government or even Greek life has really helped me to keep my accounts clean due to these organizations having standards on social media. 
All my accounts are private and very little information can be obtained by searching my accounts. One thing that does bother me is my information that most likely has been sold that can be found when simply Googling my name. This information includes my name, birthdate, hometown, etc. I did not put any of this personal information out for the public to see, but social media companies such as Facebook have sold my information to other companies and there really is not anything I could do about it. 
The internet is a scary place. Given this information, I have learned to always watch what I put online. Self-auditing is always a good thing to do once in a while just so you are aware of the information that is currently out there about you. Even though you may not be able to get rid of it, it will definitely make you aware and conscious of the decisions you have made to simply have an online presence. 
To hear more about current controversy regarding online presence, click here.


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