The Fakes behind Facebook.

Earlier this week, a Harvard peer of Facebook founder, Mark Zuckerberg, came out with the credibly researched information that almost 50% of Facebook's profiles are fake. This means that there are millions of accounts made by people who are not who they say they are. Whether they pretend to be someone else for their own amusement or certain reasons, this is a serious issue pertaining to the safety and wellbeing of social media society.
These fake accounts are politically dangerous. Someone could claim to be from a certain ethnicity and political standing that they do not actually believe in. Posting various political nonsense could attract more and more people of the same beliefs and start a very dangerous online movement. Vulgar content pertaining to overthrowing the government or assassinating a leader could be very dangerous to a country's safety.
Facebook's fake accounts are also socially dangerous. Predators have the opportunity to target vulnerable people very easily. The chance to hide behind a screen and pretend to be someone else is something that may sound very appealing to sexual assaulters and child predators. Being "cat fished" has become a common trend online which refers to the situation where one person creates a bond or relationship with another via social media and the other person does not necessarily turn out to be the person thy portrayed themselves as online. This is very dangerous and scary to the general public.
Along with countless business scandals regarding Facebook's fake profiles that have lead to litigation, Facebook is also known for its advertising market. While scrolling through Facebook, the average everyday person will click through hundreds of ads. Where Facebook makes most of their money is selling profile demographics to companies and advertising certain products to the appropriate people in terms of who they seem on their Facebook profile. If all these accounts are fake, then these companies are paying for the wrong information and all the money they spend on these social media ads is going to waste.
As seen through all these examples. there are various dangers when we come to terms on the hundreds of thousands, or even millions, of fake Facebook profiles.

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