Virginia Governor Fights the Backlash of his Racism.

In recent news, Ralph Northam, the Democratic Governor of Virginia, was faced with a major dilemma: photos of him in KKK robes with his face painted black from 1984 resurfaced.

Back in that time, the KKK was in full swing, especially in Virginia. Many people today from this region hold the embarrassing past of participating in such horrible, racist events. These people took part in some of the worst memories in American history. Racism and Jim Crow laws detrimentally impacted the African American community, and it continues to be brought up in today's society.

Having an affiliation with the KKK back in the day is not necessarily a surprising factor in the background of today's older generation. For an everyday person, the memory of dressing up in ridiculous clothing and painting your face black is something that they merely regret, but it does not have much of an impact on their everyday life now. It's simply in the past. For a politician, though, this information can break their entire career! Knowing how detrimental these photos could be to his career, Ralph Northam immediately denied, denied, denied. He claimed that the photos were not even him and that was not involved in the situation as a whole. After this claim, Northam was asked to step down from his position, "depriving the governor of his last remaining support and intensifying the pressure on him."

Ralph Northam finally owned up to the images and took responsibility for his actions, yet he still has lost really all support from his political allies. Being a democratic representative, these actions go completely against all the democratic party believes in. It is now just a waiting game to see how ling Ralph Northam can last in his position with all the intense scrutiny he is encountering.


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