The Supreme Court of the United States.

“We are Quiet.”
The Supreme Court of the United states is the most powerful institution of all. Its main purpose is to hold truth to the 200-year-old constitution. Presidents have always tried to shake the court by their nominations.The public no longer has the direct ability to make change in the Court. According to the Supreme Court Justices, "you really start doing your work once you forget you’re here, and that takes a few years." To keep the peace, they tried to avoid controversy. John Marshall is the greatest of all judicial powers, and he is most famously known for the case of Marbury v. Madison. The new court is trying everyday to earn public respect. Dred Scott (Roger Burke Tony) weakened the courts authority for years. This issue was resolved by the Civil War, but remembered as the court’s greatest wound.
The Court sees more than 100 new cases a year. Those that want to have their cases heard by the Court apply for whats called a “Petition of Certiorari.” With all those cases being submitted, they only accept one hundred a year. Before each case, the Justices shake hands. "When you’ve touched someone’s hand, you are less likely to hold a grudge if you end up disagreeing on the bench," claim the Justices. Over time, each Justice has left opinions and it becomes less open for change. There is tension during cases due to the notion that everyone has their own ideas and you have to simultaneously juggle thoughts in 30 minutes. The Justices joke that, during a trial, there are "the arguments you plan to give, the argument you gave, and the argument you wish you gave." Oral argument makes a difference. Abstract principles have to be applied in a real life situation. On the other hand, opinion writing is the most time consuming. There is the majority opinion, concurring opinion, and dissenting opinion that can be written by the Justices. When the supreme court speaks, the people obey. That is the secret to our freedom. I feel like this is the more ironic statement from the video mostly because to obey the Court, or to obey absolutely everything, does not necessarily seem like "freedom" to me. People see the need to protect the unpopular.


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