Diffusion of Innovation of Ideas.

A recent innovation in the world of media that I believe have changed society and impacted our way of communication is the social media network Instagram. Instagram is a photo sharing network that allows account users to share their pictures with their follows and include captions that lead to comments and likes. To me, it feels like almost everyone under the age of 35 has an Instagram account. I know that is not literally true nor logistical, but it really does seem that way for anyone who has an account. Whenever I hear an unfamiliar name come up in a conversation with my friends, we immediately turn to Instagram to put a face with their name. I am sure that many other people and groups of friends do the same thing, as it has become the "social norm."In regards to the Diffusion of Innovation Theory, Instagram has diffused throughout a very short amount of time and has nearly saturated all of society. The communication channels and opportunity for this network to spread are huge. Smart phones are at their peak, as it is nearly impossible to live a normal, relevant life without one. With smart phones comes applications and social media networks at the touch of a screen. Given that it is so easy and quick to connect with people online, society has found it almost imperative to interact via social media.There are so many early adopter to Instagram most likely because of how its infiltrated our daily lives so deeply. It is so present and well known that society feels a need to be connected and get on board to the current trends. The downside of Instagram, and really all social media networks in general, is the fact that it is taking time away from reality and enabling people to fuel their lives online. 
To learn more about Instagram, click here.


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