
After watching the various TedTalks on today's digital age, a topic that really stuck out to me was surveillance. Specifically, government or police department surveillance. Over the past few years, government agencies have invested in new technology that has increased their surveillance on our society. Although they may claim to only use this technology for our benefit in situations such as traffic incidences or crime, the technology is available for them to use in all situations. This could mean that they invade our privacy online or offline. An increase in surveillance is threatening to our privacy because we as society are not necessarily aware of the extent that the government is using this technology. Personally, this information is quiet alarming. I think I can speak for everyone when I say that privacy is a very precious thing. We are lucky to live in a place where we have the ability to live privately. If this were to change, who knows what else we would be limited on.

To learn more about the increase of surveillance, visit this link.


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