WikiLeaks Founder Arrested.

Julian Assange, the  founder and editor of WikiLeaks, was arrested by British police under a U.S. Extradition Warrant from the Ecuadorean Embassy earlier this morning. Assange had been living in the Embassy for over 8 years. Assange is an Australian citizen who started WikiLeaks to keep to American public aware of the secrets the government was attempting to hide from them. He was offered asylum in Ecuador back in 2012 when the Supreme Court finally rejected his appeal against extradition to Sweden, where he was wanted in questioning in connection with the rape of one woman and sexual assault on another. Assange denies these accusations.
This case is prominent in the media industry in question of the freedoms of the First Amendment. The six clauses of the First Amendment are freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom from religion, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, and freedom of petition. All of these clauses have the power to support Assange in his actions.


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