Blog Reveal.

The phenomenon of "blogging" began in 1999. From personal blogs to public pages with millions of views, almost everything posted onto the internet today can be considered blogging. The internet changed the world of mass communication in the sense that it gave everyone, absolutely everyone, the opportunity to have an audience and a voice. Every single person has the ability to voice their opinion online, which can either be a good thing or a bad thing. It is good in terms of giving people who normally would not have the opportunity to reach a broad audience with their words and art. The internet could also be negative by starting issues and heated debates between people and giving people the scapegoat of hiding behind their screens.
I feel that personal blogging changed the world of mass communication by adding millions of more channels and outlets of information. Society no longer receives all their information from mainstream media like the New York Times or Washington Post, but they also tune into news blogs and online sites where the information is credible and at the touch of a button for free. The internet is now a source of empowerment by giving everyone a voice to the general public and allowing them to reach audiences that were once only reached by mainstream media.
This blogging experience has not been my first. I started my first actual blog last semester in my FYS class. Last semester, I lacked motivation and did not really keep up well with my blog. I played catch up with blog assignments when due dates came close and, in all honestly, I did not appreciate the voice that blogging gave me. This blog has been quite different. I have learned to keep up with current events and exploit my opinions here on my blog that I keep up with weekly, even if no assignment is required. I really am proud of the topics I have chosen to include in this blog compared to those I had in my last blog. To future students who are about to sit down and start blogging, I urge you to first gain understanding of how powerful and important your online presence is, and also gain some respect for the opportunity this country gives you in the First Amendment. 


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