Stand Up to Harvard.

Back in 2016, Harvard University imposed a rule discouraging students to join single-sex organizations and social clubs, specifically geared toward sororities and fraternities. In response to this rule, two fraternities (Sigma Chi and Sigma Alpha Epsilon) along with two sororities (Kappa Alpha Theta and Kappa Kappa Gamma) decided to sue against Boston's Federal Court. Both of he suits are supported by the National Panhellenic Conference and ask the courts to force the university to rescind the policy. The students explained how "Harvard used a campaign of threats and intimidation to scare students into abandoning their fundamental rights to free association and to live free of sex discrimination” as guaranteed by Title IX and the US Constitution. They also made it known that Harvard has not influenced these feelings about any other organization such as the American Nazi Party. Even more bizarre, they pointed out how any student could create an off-campus undergraduate chapter of the "Ku Klux Klan" without violating any school policies.Greek life worldwide has teamed up to support the lawsuit by posting their support on social media and spreading the word throughout their schools. With everything I have learned this year regarding the first amendment and past Supreme Court cases, I truly believe this suit will go down in history and be something that people remember forever in the greek life community. I am very proud to be apart of this movement along with my sisters of Alpha Gamma Delta.


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